torsdag 16 april 2009

Hello you!

Sorry for not updating so long time...
But we´ve moved and it took a long time to create the new house like the old.
Now it´s really nice I think.
And guess what?
I live closer to Andrew.
Oh, someone´s at the door, so I must open it.

måndag 23 februari 2009


Hi bloggers and readers!
Today I haven´t done so much...

Oh yeah, I´ve been looking at a new house in Paddington with my mum.
It´s closer to school, subway and my friends.
I think it´s really nice, bye!

söndag 22 februari 2009

Just an update

Hey girlies!
Today I´ve been shopping in L.A.
No just kidding, in Beverly Hills of course.
After we were done with my clothes, we ate ice cream at MacDonalds...
No comments about that.
Okay I didn´t ate something but my little cousin did.

Now I´m going to look at a movie.

lördag 21 februari 2009


Hey everybody, sorry for bad update...
I have a lot of things to do, ehm, I think...
So now I´m painting my fingernails, with a pink glittering nailpolish.

My mum and I bought me some new pillows, very goodies.
And then I saw The Eurovision Songcontest 2009 part 3.
E.M.D with Baby Goodbye and Molly Sandén with The stars wants lik that, won and are now in the finally.
Have a good night.

// Yours truly Massie Block

fredag 20 februari 2009

Welcome to the world

I have a cousinbaby.
Yesterday, my cousins girl became mummy.
Now she has a wonderful daughter, which name is Nova.

She was born yesterday, 2009-02-19 19:38.
One month before the date they thought.
But she seems fine, and everything is like it should be.
Good to hear.
So maby we will visit them next weekend :-D
//Yours truly Massie Block

torsdag 19 februari 2009

A new wardrobe

Hello guys, sorry for not updating yesterday.
But I promise I have som important things to do!
My wardrobe was a disaster, so I threw all the clothes in the box with old clothes.
Of course I shopped new clothes, very much!
But the totalprize was only 30 000 £.
My old clothes costed 70 000 £, so this was reaully cheap, uh!

Now I´m applicating some nailpolish, a pink one and one shiny.
I think it´s gonna be very attractive when it´s finished.
Hope that The guy likes it, and try to talk to me tomorrow...
I guess I´m ready now, bye!

tisdag 17 februari 2009

Inez is here

Hi guys!
Today it was an Englishtest in school.
I don´t care about the result...

Tomorrow I don´t know what to do, but something.
Oh I must stop writing, Inez came to tidy my room, goodie!
Many hugs and kisses.
//Yours truly Massie Block